eap_example | |
  eap_example.c | Example application showing how EAP peer and server code from wpa_supplicant/hostapd can be used as a library. This example program initializes both an EAP server and an EAP peer entities and then runs through an EAP-PEAP/MSCHAPv2 authentication |
  eap_example_peer.c | Example application showing how EAP peer code from wpa_supplicant can be used as a library |
  eap_example_server.c | Example application showing how EAP server code from hostapd can be used as a library |
 hostapd | |
  config_file.c | Hostapd / Configuration file parser |
  config_file.h | Hostapd / Configuration file parser |
  ctrl_iface.c | Hostapd / UNIX domain socket -based control interface |
  ctrl_iface.h | Hostapd / UNIX domain socket -based control interface |
  eap_register.c | EAP method registration |
  eap_register.h | EAP method registration |
  hapd_module_tests.c | Hostapd module tests |
  hlr_auc_gw.c | HLR/AuC testing gateway for hostapd EAP-SIM/AKA database/authenticator |
  hostapd_cli.c | Hostapd - command line interface for hostapd daemon |
  main.c | Hostapd / main() |
  nt_password_hash.c | Hostapd - Plaintext password to NtPasswordHash |
 src | |
  ap | |
   accounting.c | Hostapd / RADIUS Accounting |
   accounting.h | Hostapd / RADIUS Accounting |
   acs.c | ACS - Automatic Channel Selection module Copyright (c) 2013, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc |
   acs.h | ACS - Automatic Channel Selection module Copyright (c) 2013, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc |
   ap_config.c | Hostapd / Configuration helper functions |
   ap_config.h | Hostapd / Configuration definitions and helpers functions |
   ap_drv_ops.c | Hostapd - Driver operations |
   ap_drv_ops.h | Hostapd - Driver operations |
   ap_list.c | Hostapd / AP table Copyright (c) 2003-2004, Instant802 Networks, Inc. Copyright (c) 2006, Devicescape Software, Inc |
   ap_list.h | Hostapd / AP table Copyright (c) 2003-2004, Instant802 Networks, Inc. Copyright (c) 2006, Devicescape Software, Inc |
   ap_mlme.c | Hostapd / IEEE 802.11 MLME Copyright 2003-2004, Instant802 Networks, Inc. Copyright 2005-2006, Devicescape Software, Inc |
   ap_mlme.h | Hostapd / IEEE 802.11 MLME Copyright 2003-2004, Instant802 Networks, Inc. Copyright 2005-2006, Devicescape Software, Inc |
   authsrv.c | Authentication server setup |
   authsrv.h | Authentication server setup |
   beacon.c | Hostapd / IEEE 802.11 Management: Beacon and Probe Request/Response Copyright (c) 2005-2006, Devicescape Software, Inc. Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
   beacon.h | Hostapd / IEEE 802.11 Management: Beacon and Probe Request/Response Copyright (c) 2005-2006, Devicescape Software, Inc |
   bss_load.c | BSS Load Element / Channel Utilization |
   bss_load.h | BSS load update |
   ctrl_iface_ap.c | Control interface for shared AP commands |
   ctrl_iface_ap.h | Control interface for shared AP commands |
   dfs.c | DFS - Dynamic Frequency Selection Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc |
   dfs.h | DFS - Dynamic Frequency Selection Copyright (c) 2013, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc |
   dhcp_snoop.c | DHCP snooping for Proxy ARP |
   dhcp_snoop.h | DHCP snooping for Proxy ARP |
   drv_callbacks.c | Hostapd / Callback functions for driver wrappers |
   eap_user_db.c | Hostapd / EAP user database |
   gas_serv.c | Generic advertisement service (GAS) server |
   gas_serv.h | Generic advertisement service (GAS) server |
   hostapd.c | Hostapd / Initialization and configuration |
   hostapd.h | Hostapd / Initialization and configuration |
   hs20.c | Hotspot 2.0 AP ANQP processing Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc |
   hs20.h | Hotspot 2.0 AP ANQP processing |
   hw_features.c | Hostapd / Hardware feature query and different modes Copyright 2005-2006, Devicescape Software, Inc. Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
   hw_features.h | Hostapd / Hardware feature query and different modes Copyright 2005-2006, Devicescape Software, Inc. Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
   iapp.c | Hostapd / IEEE 802.11F-2003 Inter-Access Point Protocol (IAPP) |
   iapp.h | Hostapd / IEEE 802.11F-2003 Inter-Access Point Protocol (IAPP) |
   ieee802_11.c | Hostapd / IEEE 802.11 Management |
   ieee802_11.h | Hostapd / IEEE 802.11 Management |
   ieee802_11_auth.c | Hostapd / IEEE 802.11 authentication (ACL) |
   ieee802_11_auth.h | Hostapd / IEEE 802.11 authentication (ACL) |
   ieee802_11_ht.c | Hostapd / IEEE 802.11n HT Copyright (c) 2007-2008, Intel Corporation |
   ieee802_11_shared.c | Hostapd / IEEE 802.11 Management |
   ieee802_11_vht.c | Hostapd / IEEE 802.11ac VHT |
   ieee802_1x.c | Hostapd / IEEE 802.1X-2004 Authenticator |
   ieee802_1x.h | Hostapd / IEEE 802.1X-2004 Authenticator |
   ndisc_snoop.c | Neighbor Discovery snooping for Proxy ARP |
   ndisc_snoop.h | Neighbor Discovery snooping for Proxy ARP |
   p2p_hostapd.c | Hostapd / P2P integration |
   p2p_hostapd.h | Hostapd / P2P integration |
   peerkey_auth.c | Hostapd - PeerKey for Direct Link Setup (DLS) |
   pmksa_cache_auth.c | Hostapd - PMKSA cache for IEEE 802.11i RSN |
   pmksa_cache_auth.h | Hostapd - PMKSA cache for IEEE 802.11i RSN |
   preauth_auth.c | Hostapd - Authenticator for IEEE 802.11i RSN pre-authentication |
   preauth_auth.h | Hostapd - Authenticator for IEEE 802.11i RSN pre-authentication |
   sta_info.c | Hostapd / Station table |
   sta_info.h | Hostapd / Station table |
   tkip_countermeasures.c | Hostapd / TKIP countermeasures |
   tkip_countermeasures.h | Hostapd / TKIP countermeasures |
   utils.c | AP mode helper functions |
   vlan_init.c | Hostapd / VLAN initialization Copyright 2005-2006, Devicescape Software, Inc. Copyright (c) 2009, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
   vlan_init.h | Hostapd / VLAN initialization Copyright 2005, Devicescape Software, Inc |
   vlan_util.c | Hostapd / VLAN netlink api |
   vlan_util.h | Hostapd / VLAN netlink api |
   wmm.c | Hostapd / WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia) Copyright 2005-2006, Devicescape Software, Inc. Copyright (c) 2009, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
   wmm.h | Hostapd / WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia) Copyright 2005-2006, Devicescape Software, Inc |
   wnm_ap.c | Hostapd - WNM |
   wnm_ap.h | IEEE 802.11v WNM related functions and structures |
   wpa_auth.c | IEEE 802.11 RSN / WPA Authenticator |
   wpa_auth.h | Hostapd - IEEE 802.11i-2004 / WPA Authenticator |
   wpa_auth_ft.c | Hostapd - IEEE 802.11r - Fast BSS Transition |
   wpa_auth_glue.c | Hostapd / WPA authenticator glue code |
   wpa_auth_glue.h | Hostapd / WPA authenticator glue code |
   wpa_auth_i.h | Hostapd - IEEE 802.11i-2004 / WPA Authenticator: Internal definitions |
   wpa_auth_ie.c | Hostapd - WPA/RSN IE and KDE definitions |
   wpa_auth_ie.h | Hostapd - WPA/RSN IE and KDE definitions |
   wps_hostapd.c | Hostapd / WPS integration |
   wps_hostapd.h | Hostapd / WPS integration |
   x_snoop.c | Generic Snooping for Proxy ARP |
   x_snoop.h | Generic Snooping for Proxy ARP |
  common | |
   common_module_tests.c | Common module tests |
   defs.h | WPA Supplicant - Common definitions |
   eapol_common.h | EAPOL definitions shared between hostapd and wpa_supplicant |
   gas.c | Generic advertisement service (GAS) (IEEE 802.11u) Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Qualcomm Atheros |
   gas.h | Generic advertisement service (GAS) (IEEE 802.11u) Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Qualcomm Atheros |
   hw_features_common.c | Common hostapd/wpa_supplicant HW features Copyright (c) 2015, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc |
   hw_features_common.h | Common hostapd/wpa_supplicant HW features Copyright (c) 2015, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc |
   ieee802_11_common.c | IEEE 802.11 Common routines |
   ieee802_11_common.h | IEEE 802.11 Common routines |
   ieee802_11_defs.h | IEEE 802.11 Frame type definitions Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Intel Corporation |
   ieee802_1x_defs.h | IEEE Std 802.1X-2010 definitions |
   privsep_commands.h | WPA Supplicant - privilege separation commands |
   qca-vendor-attr.h | Qualcomm Atheros vendor specific attribute definitions |
   qca-vendor.h | Qualcomm Atheros OUI and vendor specific assignments |
   sae.c | Simultaneous authentication of equals |
   sae.h | Simultaneous authentication of equals |
   tnc.h | TNC - Common defines |
   version.h | |
   wpa_common.c | WPA/RSN - Shared functions for supplicant and authenticator |
   wpa_common.h | WPA definitions shared between hostapd and wpa_supplicant |
   wpa_ctrl.c | Wpa_supplicant/hostapd control interface library |
   wpa_ctrl.h | Wpa_supplicant/hostapd control interface library |
   wpa_helpers.c | Wpa_supplicant ctrl_iface helpers Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc |
   wpa_helpers.h | Wpa_supplicant ctrl_iface helpers Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc |
  crypto | |
   aes-cbc.c | AES-128 CBC |
   aes-ccm.c | Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM) with AES |
   aes-ctr.c | AES-128 CTR |
   aes-eax.c | AES-128 EAX |
   aes-encblock.c | AES encrypt_block |
   aes-gcm.c | Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC with AES |
   aes-internal-dec.c | AES (Rijndael) cipher - decrypt |
   aes-internal-enc.c | AES (Rijndael) cipher - encrypt |
   aes-internal.c | AES (Rijndael) cipher |
   aes-omac1.c | One-key CBC MAC (OMAC1) hash with AES |
   aes-siv.c | AES SIV (RFC 5297) |
   aes-unwrap.c | AES key unwrap (RFC3394) |
   aes-wrap.c | AES Key Wrap Algorithm (RFC3394) |
   aes.h | AES functions |
   aes_i.h | AES (Rijndael) cipher |
   aes_siv.h | AES SIV (RFC 5297) |
   aes_wrap.h | AES-based functions |
   crypto.h | Wrapper functions for crypto libraries |
   crypto_gnutls.c | WPA Supplicant / wrapper functions for libgcrypt |
   crypto_internal-cipher.c | Crypto wrapper for internal crypto implementation - Cipher wrappers |
   crypto_internal-modexp.c | Crypto wrapper for internal crypto implementation - modexp |
   crypto_internal-rsa.c | Crypto wrapper for internal crypto implementation - RSA parts |
   crypto_internal.c | Crypto wrapper for internal crypto implementation |
   crypto_libtomcrypt.c | WPA Supplicant / Crypto wrapper for LibTomCrypt (for internal TLSv1) |
   crypto_module_tests.c | Crypto module tests |
   crypto_none.c | WPA Supplicant / Empty template functions for crypto wrapper |
   crypto_openssl.c | Wrapper functions for OpenSSL libcrypto |
   des-internal.c | DES and 3DES-EDE ciphers |
   des_i.h | DES and 3DES-EDE ciphers |
   dh_group5.c | Diffie-Hellman group 5 operations |
   dh_group5.h | Diffie-Hellman group 5 operations |
   dh_groups.c | Diffie-Hellman groups |
   dh_groups.h | Diffie-Hellman groups |
   fips_prf_internal.c | FIPS 186-2 PRF for internal crypto implementation |
   fips_prf_openssl.c | FIPS 186-2 PRF for libcrypto |
   md4-internal.c | MD4 hash implementation |
   md5-internal.c | MD5 hash implementation and interface functions |
   md5.c | MD5 hash implementation and interface functions |
   md5.h | MD5 hash implementation and interface functions |
   md5_i.h | MD5 internal definitions |
   milenage.c | 3GPP AKA - Milenage algorithm (3GPP TS 35.205, .206, .207, .208) |
   milenage.h | UMTS AKA - Milenage algorithm (3GPP TS 35.205, .206, .207, .208) |
   ms_funcs.c | WPA Supplicant / shared MSCHAPV2 helper functions / RFC 2433 / RFC 2759 |
   ms_funcs.h | WPA Supplicant / shared MSCHAPV2 helper functions / RFC 2433 / RFC 2759 |
   random.c | Random number generator |
   random.h | Random number generator |
   rc4.c | RC4 stream cipher |
   sha1-internal.c | SHA1 hash implementation and interface functions |
   sha1-pbkdf2.c | SHA1-based key derivation function (PBKDF2) for IEEE 802.11i |
   sha1-prf.c | SHA1-based PRF |
   sha1-tlsprf.c | TLS PRF (SHA1 + MD5) |
   sha1-tprf.c | SHA1 T-PRF for EAP-FAST |
   sha1.c | SHA1 hash implementation and interface functions |
   sha1.h | SHA1 hash implementation and interface functions |
   sha1_i.h | SHA1 internal definitions |
   sha256-internal.c | SHA-256 hash implementation and interface functions |
   sha256-kdf.c | HMAC-SHA256 KDF (RFC 5295) |
   sha256-prf.c | SHA256-based PRF (IEEE 802.11r) |
   sha256-tlsprf.c | TLS PRF P_SHA256 |
   sha256.c | SHA-256 hash implementation and interface functions |
   sha256.h | SHA256 hash implementation and interface functions |
   sha256_i.h | SHA-256 internal definitions |
   sha384-prf.c | SHA384-based KDF (IEEE 802.11ac) |
   sha384.h | SHA384 hash implementation and interface functions |
   tls.h | SSL/TLS interface definition |
   tls_gnutls.c | SSL/TLS interface functions for GnuTLS |
   tls_internal.c | TLS interface functions and an internal TLS implementation |
   tls_none.c | SSL/TLS interface functions for no TLS case |
   tls_openssl.c | SSL/TLS interface functions for OpenSSL |
  drivers | |
   android_drv.h | Android driver interface |
   driver.h | Driver interface definition |
   driver_atheros.c | Hostapd / Driver interaction with Atheros driver Copyright (c) 2004, Video54 Technologies Copyright (c) 2005-2007, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi Copyright (c) 2009, Atheros Communications |
   driver_bsd.c | WPA Supplicant - driver interaction with BSD net80211 layer Copyright (c) 2004, 2Wire, Inc |
   driver_common.c | Common driver-related functions |
   driver_hostap.c | Driver interaction with Linux Host AP driver |
   driver_hostap.h | Driver interaction with Linux Host AP driver |
   driver_macsec_qca.c | Wired Ethernet driver interface for QCA MACsec driver Copyright (c) 2004, Gunter Burchardt tira@.nosp@m.isx..nosp@m.de Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc |
   driver_ndis.c | WPA Supplicant - Windows/NDIS driver interface |
   driver_ndis.h | WPA Supplicant - Windows/NDIS driver interface |
   driver_ndis_.c | WPA Supplicant - Windows/NDIS driver interface - event processing |
   driver_nl80211.c | Driver interaction with Linux nl80211/cfg80211 Copyright (c) 2003-2004, Instant802 Networks, Inc. Copyright (c) 2005-2006, Devicescape Software, Inc. Copyright (c) 2007, Johannes Berg johan.nosp@m.nes@.nosp@m.sipso.nosp@m.luti.nosp@m.ons.n.nosp@m.et Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Atheros Communications |
   driver_nl80211.h | Driver interaction with Linux nl80211/cfg80211 - definitions Copyright (c) 2003-2004, Instant802 Networks, Inc. Copyright (c) 2005-2006, Devicescape Software, Inc. Copyright (c) 2007, Johannes Berg johan.nosp@m.nes@.nosp@m.sipso.nosp@m.luti.nosp@m.ons.n.nosp@m.et Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Atheros Communications |
   driver_nl80211_android.c | Driver interaction with Linux nl80211/cfg80211 - Android specific Copyright (c) 2007, Johannes Berg johan.nosp@m.nes@.nosp@m.sipso.nosp@m.luti.nosp@m.ons.n.nosp@m.et Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Atheros Communications |
   driver_nl80211_capa.c | Driver interaction with Linux nl80211/cfg80211 - Capabilities Copyright (c) 2007, Johannes Berg johan.nosp@m.nes@.nosp@m.sipso.nosp@m.luti.nosp@m.ons.n.nosp@m.et Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Atheros Communications |
   driver_nl80211_event.c | Driver interaction with Linux nl80211/cfg80211 - Event processing Copyright (c) 2007, Johannes Berg johan.nosp@m.nes@.nosp@m.sipso.nosp@m.luti.nosp@m.ons.n.nosp@m.et Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Atheros Communications |
   driver_nl80211_monitor.c | Driver interaction with Linux nl80211/cfg80211 - AP monitor interface Copyright (c) 2003-2004, Instant802 Networks, Inc. Copyright (c) 2005-2006, Devicescape Software, Inc. Copyright (c) 2007, Johannes Berg johan.nosp@m.nes@.nosp@m.sipso.nosp@m.luti.nosp@m.ons.n.nosp@m.et Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Atheros Communications |
   driver_nl80211_scan.c | Driver interaction with Linux nl80211/cfg80211 - Scanning Copyright (c) 2007, Johannes Berg johan.nosp@m.nes@.nosp@m.sipso.nosp@m.luti.nosp@m.ons.n.nosp@m.et Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Atheros Communications |
   driver_none.c | Driver interface for RADIUS server or WPS ER only (no driver) |
   driver_openbsd.c | Driver interaction with OpenBSD net80211 layer |
   driver_privsep.c | WPA Supplicant - privilege separated driver interface |
   driver_roboswitch.c | WPA Supplicant - roboswitch driver interface |
   driver_wext.c | Driver interaction with generic Linux Wireless Extensions |
   driver_wext.h | WPA Supplicant - driver_wext exported functions |
   driver_wired.c | Wired Ethernet driver interface Copyright (c) 2004, Gunter Burchardt tira@.nosp@m.isx..nosp@m.de |
   drivers.c | Driver interface list |
   linux_defines.h | Linux defines for values that are not yet included in common C libraries |
   linux_ioctl.c | Linux ioctl helper functions for driver wrappers |
   linux_ioctl.h | Linux ioctl helper functions for driver wrappers |
   linux_wext.h | Driver interaction with generic Linux Wireless Extensions |
   ndis_events.c | Ndis_events - Receive NdisMIndicateStatus() events using WMI |
   netlink.c | Netlink helper functions for driver wrappers |
   netlink.h | Netlink helper functions for driver wrappers |
   nl80211_copy.h | |
   priv_netlink.h | Wpa_supplicant - Private copy of Linux netlink/rtnetlink definitions |
   rfkill.c | Linux rfkill helper functions for driver wrappers |
   rfkill.h | Linux rfkill helper functions for driver wrappers |
  eap_common | |
   chap.c | CHAP-MD5 (RFC 1994) |
   chap.h | CHAP-MD5 (RFC 1994) |
   eap_common.c | EAP common peer/server definitions |
   eap_common.h | EAP common peer/server definitions |
   eap_defs.h | EAP server/peer: Shared EAP definitions |
   eap_eke_common.c | EAP server/peer: EAP-EKE shared routines |
   eap_eke_common.h | EAP server/peer: EAP-EKE shared routines |
   eap_fast_common.c | EAP-FAST common helper functions (RFC 4851) |
   eap_fast_common.h | EAP-FAST definitions (RFC 4851) |
   eap_gpsk_common.c | EAP server/peer: EAP-GPSK shared routines |
   eap_gpsk_common.h | EAP server/peer: EAP-GPSK shared routines |
   eap_ikev2_common.c | EAP-IKEv2 common routines |
   eap_ikev2_common.h | EAP-IKEv2 definitions |
   eap_pax_common.c | EAP server/peer: EAP-PAX shared routines |
   eap_pax_common.h | EAP server/peer: EAP-PAX shared routines |
   eap_peap_common.c | EAP-PEAP common routines |
   eap_peap_common.h | EAP-PEAP common routines |
   eap_psk_common.c | EAP server/peer: EAP-PSK shared routines |
   eap_psk_common.h | EAP server/peer: EAP-PSK shared routines |
   eap_pwd_common.c | EAP server/peer: EAP-pwd shared routines |
   eap_pwd_common.h | EAP server/peer: EAP-pwd shared definitions |
   eap_sake_common.c | EAP server/peer: EAP-SAKE shared routines |
   eap_sake_common.h | EAP server/peer: EAP-SAKE shared routines |
   eap_sim_common.c | EAP peer/server: EAP-SIM/AKA/AKA' shared routines |
   eap_sim_common.h | EAP peer/server: EAP-SIM/AKA/AKA' shared routines |
   eap_tlv_common.h | EAP-TLV definitions (draft-josefsson-pppext-eap-tls-eap-10.txt) |
   eap_ttls.h | EAP server/peer: EAP-TTLS (RFC 5281) |
   eap_wsc_common.c | EAP-WSC common routines for Wi-Fi Protected Setup |
   eap_wsc_common.h | EAP-WSC definitions for Wi-Fi Protected Setup |
   ikev2_common.c | IKEv2 common routines for initiator and responder |
   ikev2_common.h | IKEv2 definitions |
  eap_peer | |
   eap.c | EAP peer state machines (RFC 4137) |
   eap.h | EAP peer state machine functions (RFC 4137) |
   eap_aka.c | EAP peer method: EAP-AKA (RFC 4187) and EAP-AKA' (RFC 5448) |
   eap_config.h | EAP peer configuration data |
   eap_eke.c | EAP peer method: EAP-EKE (RFC 6124) |
   eap_fast.c | EAP peer method: EAP-FAST (RFC 4851) |
   eap_fast_pac.c | EAP peer method: EAP-FAST PAC file processing |
   eap_fast_pac.h | EAP peer method: EAP-FAST PAC file processing |
   eap_gpsk.c | EAP peer method: EAP-GPSK (RFC 5433) |
   eap_gtc.c | EAP peer method: EAP-GTC (RFC 3748) |
   eap_i.h | EAP peer state machines internal structures (RFC 4137) |
   eap_ikev2.c | EAP-IKEv2 peer (RFC 5106) |
   eap_leap.c | EAP peer method: LEAP |
   eap_md5.c | EAP peer method: EAP-MD5 (RFC 3748 and RFC 1994) |
   eap_methods.c | EAP peer: Method registration |
   eap_methods.h | EAP peer: Method registration |
   eap_mschapv2.c | EAP peer method: EAP-MSCHAPV2 (draft-kamath-pppext-eap-mschapv2-00.txt) |
   eap_otp.c | EAP peer method: EAP-OTP (RFC 3748) |
   eap_pax.c | EAP peer method: EAP-PAX (RFC 4746) |
   eap_peap.c | EAP peer method: EAP-PEAP (draft-josefsson-pppext-eap-tls-eap-10.txt) |
   eap_proxy.h | EAP proxy definitions |
   eap_proxy_dummy.c | EAP proxy - dummy implementation for build testing |
   eap_psk.c | EAP peer method: EAP-PSK (RFC 4764) |
   eap_pwd.c | EAP peer method: EAP-pwd (RFC 5931) |
   eap_sake.c | EAP peer method: EAP-SAKE (RFC 4763) |
   eap_sim.c | EAP peer method: EAP-SIM (RFC 4186) |
   eap_tls.c | EAP peer method: EAP-TLS (RFC 2716) |
   eap_tls_common.c | EAP peer: EAP-TLS/PEAP/TTLS/FAST common functions |
   eap_tls_common.h | EAP peer: EAP-TLS/PEAP/TTLS/FAST common functions |
   eap_tnc.c | EAP peer method: EAP-TNC (Trusted Network Connect) |
   eap_ttls.c | EAP peer method: EAP-TTLS (RFC 5281) |
   eap_vendor_test.c | EAP peer method: Test method for vendor specific (expanded) EAP type |
   eap_wsc.c | EAP-WSC peer for Wi-Fi Protected Setup |
   ikev2.c | IKEv2 responder (RFC 4306) for EAP-IKEV2 |
   ikev2.h | IKEv2 responder (RFC 4306) for EAP-IKEV2 |
   mschapv2.c | MSCHAPV2 (RFC 2759) |
   mschapv2.h | MSCHAPV2 (RFC 2759) |
   tncc.c | EAP-TNC - TNCC (IF-IMC and IF-TNCCS) |
   tncc.h | EAP-TNC - TNCC (IF-IMC and IF-TNCCS) |
  eap_server | |
   eap.h | Hostapd / EAP Full Authenticator state machine (RFC 4137) |
   eap_i.h | Hostapd / EAP Authenticator state machine internal structures (RFC 4137) |
   eap_methods.h | EAP server method registration |
   eap_server.c | Hostapd / EAP Full Authenticator state machine (RFC 4137) |
   eap_server_aka.c | Hostapd / EAP-AKA (RFC 4187) and EAP-AKA' (RFC 5448) |
   eap_server_eke.c | Hostapd / EAP-EKE (RFC 6124) server |
   eap_server_fast.c | EAP-FAST server (RFC 4851) |
   eap_server_gpsk.c | Hostapd / EAP-GPSK (RFC 5433) server |
   eap_server_gtc.c | Hostapd / EAP-GTC (RFC 3748) |
   eap_server_identity.c | Hostapd / EAP-Identity |
   eap_server_ikev2.c | EAP-IKEv2 server (RFC 5106) |
   eap_server_md5.c | Hostapd / EAP-MD5 server |
   eap_server_methods.c | EAP server method registration |
   eap_server_mschapv2.c | Hostapd / EAP-MSCHAPv2 (draft-kamath-pppext-eap-mschapv2-00.txt) server |
   eap_server_pax.c | Hostapd / EAP-PAX (RFC 4746) server |
   eap_server_peap.c | Hostapd / EAP-PEAP (draft-josefsson-pppext-eap-tls-eap-10.txt) |
   eap_server_psk.c | Hostapd / EAP-PSK (RFC 4764) server |
   eap_server_pwd.c | Hostapd / EAP-pwd (RFC 5931) server |
   eap_server_sake.c | Hostapd / EAP-SAKE (RFC 4763) server |
   eap_server_sim.c | Hostapd / EAP-SIM (RFC 4186) |
   eap_server_tls.c | Hostapd / EAP-TLS (RFC 2716) |
   eap_server_tls_common.c | EAP-TLS/PEAP/TTLS/FAST server common functions |
   eap_server_tnc.c | EAP server method: EAP-TNC (Trusted Network Connect) |
   eap_server_ttls.c | Hostapd / EAP-TTLS (RFC 5281) |
   eap_server_vendor_test.c | Hostapd / Test method for vendor specific (expanded) EAP type |
   eap_server_wsc.c | EAP-WSC server for Wi-Fi Protected Setup |
   eap_sim_db.c | Hostapd / EAP-SIM database/authenticator gateway |
   eap_sim_db.h | Hostapd / EAP-SIM database/authenticator gateway |
   eap_tls_common.h | EAP-TLS/PEAP/TTLS/FAST server common functions |
   ikev2.c | IKEv2 initiator (RFC 4306) for EAP-IKEV2 |
   ikev2.h | IKEv2 initiator (RFC 4306) for EAP-IKEV2 |
   tncs.c | EAP-TNC - TNCS (IF-IMV, IF-TNCCS, and IF-TNCCS-SOH) |
   tncs.h | EAP-TNC - TNCS (IF-IMV, IF-TNCCS, and IF-TNCCS-SOH) |
  eapol_auth | |
   eapol_auth_dump.c | IEEE 802.1X-2004 Authenticator - State dump |
   eapol_auth_sm.c | IEEE 802.1X-2004 Authenticator - EAPOL state machine |
   eapol_auth_sm.h | IEEE 802.1X-2004 Authenticator - EAPOL state machine |
   eapol_auth_sm_i.h | IEEE 802.1X-2004 Authenticator - EAPOL state machine (internal definitions) |
  eapol_supp | |
   eapol_supp_sm.c | EAPOL supplicant state machines |
   eapol_supp_sm.h | EAPOL supplicant state machines |
  l2_packet | |
   l2_packet.h | WPA Supplicant - Layer2 packet interface definition |
   l2_packet_freebsd.c | WPA Supplicant - Layer2 packet handling with FreeBSD Copyright (c) 2005, Sam Leffler sam@e.nosp@m.rrno.nosp@m..com |
   l2_packet_linux.c | WPA Supplicant - Layer2 packet handling with Linux packet sockets |
   l2_packet_ndis.c | WPA Supplicant - Layer2 packet handling with Microsoft NDISUIO |
   l2_packet_none.c | WPA Supplicant - Layer2 packet handling example with dummy functions |
   l2_packet_pcap.c | WPA Supplicant - Layer2 packet handling with libpcap/libdnet and WinPcap |
   l2_packet_privsep.c | WPA Supplicant - Layer2 packet handling with privilege separation |
   l2_packet_winpcap.c | WPA Supplicant - Layer2 packet handling with WinPcap RX thread |
  p2p | |
   p2p.c | Wi-Fi Direct - P2P module |
   p2p.h | Wi-Fi Direct - P2P module |
   p2p_build.c | P2P - IE builder |
   p2p_dev_disc.c | Wi-Fi Direct - P2P Device Discoverability procedure |
   p2p_go_neg.c | Wi-Fi Direct - P2P Group Owner Negotiation |
   p2p_group.c | Wi-Fi Direct - P2P group operations |
   p2p_i.h | P2P - Internal definitions for P2P module |
   p2p_invitation.c | Wi-Fi Direct - P2P Invitation procedure |
   p2p_parse.c | P2P - IE parser |
   p2p_pd.c | Wi-Fi Direct - P2P provision discovery |
   p2p_sd.c | Wi-Fi Direct - P2P service discovery |
   p2p_utils.c | P2P - generic helper functions |
  pae | |
   ieee802_1x_cp.c | IEEE 802.1X-2010 Controlled Port of PAE state machine - CP state machine |
   ieee802_1x_cp.h | IEEE Std 802.1X-2010 Controlled Port of PAE state machine - CP state machine |
   ieee802_1x_kay.c | IEEE 802.1X-2010 Key Agree Protocol of PAE state machine |
   ieee802_1x_kay.h | IEEE 802.1X-2010 Key Agree Protocol of PAE state machine |
   ieee802_1x_kay_i.h | IEEE 802.1X-2010 Key Agree Protocol of PAE state machine |
   ieee802_1x_key.c | IEEE 802.1X-2010 Key Hierarchy |
   ieee802_1x_key.h | IEEE 802.1X-2010 Key Hierarchy |
   ieee802_1x_secy_ops.h | |
  radius | |
   radius.c | RADIUS message processing |
   radius.h | RADIUS message processing |
   radius_client.c | RADIUS client |
   radius_client.h | RADIUS client |
   radius_das.c | RADIUS Dynamic Authorization Server (DAS) (RFC 5176) |
   radius_das.h | RADIUS Dynamic Authorization Server (DAS) |
   radius_server.c | RADIUS authentication server |
   radius_server.h | RADIUS authentication server |
  rsn_supp | |
   peerkey.c | WPA Supplicant - PeerKey for Direct Link Setup (DLS) |
   peerkey.h | WPA Supplicant - PeerKey for Direct Link Setup (DLS) |
   pmksa_cache.c | WPA Supplicant - RSN PMKSA cache |
   pmksa_cache.h | Wpa_supplicant - WPA2/RSN PMKSA cache functions |
   preauth.c | RSN pre-authentication (supplicant) |
   preauth.h | Wpa_supplicant - WPA2/RSN pre-authentication functions |
   tdls.c | Wpa_supplicant - TDLS |
   wpa.c | WPA Supplicant - WPA state machine and EAPOL-Key processing |
   wpa.h | Wpa_supplicant - WPA definitions |
   wpa_ft.c | WPA Supplicant - IEEE 802.11r - Fast BSS Transition |
   wpa_i.h | Internal WPA/RSN supplicant state machine definitions |
   wpa_ie.c | Wpa_supplicant - WPA/RSN IE and KDE processing |
   wpa_ie.h | Wpa_supplicant - WPA/RSN IE and KDE definitions |
  tls | |
   asn1.c | ASN.1 DER parsing |
   asn1.h | ASN.1 DER parsing |
   bignum.c | Big number math |
   bignum.h | Big number math |
   libtommath.c | Minimal code for RSA support from LibTomMath 0.41 http://libtom.org/ http://libtom.org/files/ltm-0.41.tar.bz2 This library was released in public domain by Tom St Denis |
   pkcs1.c | PKCS #1 (RSA Encryption) |
   pkcs1.h | PKCS #1 (RSA Encryption) |
   pkcs5.c | PKCS #5 (Password-based Encryption) |
   pkcs5.h | PKCS #5 (Password-based Encryption) |
   pkcs8.c | PKCS #8 (Private-key information syntax) |
   pkcs8.h | PKCS #8 (Private-key information syntax) |
   rsa.c | RSA |
   rsa.h | RSA |
   tlsv1_client.c | TLS v1.0/v1.1/v1.2 client (RFC 2246, RFC 4346, RFC 5246) |
   tlsv1_client.h | TLS v1.0/v1.1/v1.2 client (RFC 2246, RFC 4346, RFC 5246) |
   tlsv1_client_i.h | TLSv1 client - internal structures |
   tlsv1_client_read.c | TLSv1 client - read handshake message |
   tlsv1_client_write.c | TLSv1 client - write handshake message |
   tlsv1_common.c | TLSv1 common routines |
   tlsv1_common.h | TLSv1 common definitions |
   tlsv1_cred.c | TLSv1 credentials |
   tlsv1_cred.h | TLSv1 credentials |
   tlsv1_record.c | TLSv1 Record Protocol |
   tlsv1_record.h | TLSv1 Record Protocol |
   tlsv1_server.c | TLS v1.0/v1.1/v1.2 server (RFC 2246, RFC 4346, RFC 5246) |
   tlsv1_server.h | TLS v1.0/v1.1/v1.2 server (RFC 2246, RFC 4346, RFC 5246) |
   tlsv1_server_i.h | TLSv1 server - internal structures |
   tlsv1_server_read.c | TLSv1 server - read handshake message |
   tlsv1_server_write.c | TLSv1 server - write handshake message |
   x509v3.c | X.509v3 certificate parsing and processing (RFC 3280 profile) |
   x509v3.h | X.509v3 certificate parsing and processing |
  utils | |
   base64.c | Base64 encoding/decoding (RFC1341) |
   base64.h | Base64 encoding/decoding (RFC1341) |
   bitfield.c | Bitfield |
   bitfield.h | Bitfield |
   browser-android.c | Hotspot 2.0 client - Web browser using Android browser |
   browser-system.c | Hotspot 2.0 client - Web browser using system browser |
   browser-wpadebug.c | Hotspot 2.0 client - Web browser using wpadebug on Android |
   browser.c | Hotspot 2.0 client - Web browser using WebKit |
   browser.h | Hotspot 2.0 client - Web browser |
   build_config.h | Wpa_supplicant/hostapd - Build time configuration defines |
   common.c | Wpa_supplicant/hostapd / common helper functions, etc |
   common.h | Wpa_supplicant/hostapd / common helper functions, etc |
   edit.c | Command line editing and history |
   edit.h | Command line editing and history |
   edit_readline.c | Command line editing and history wrapper for readline |
   edit_simple.c | Minimal command line editing |
   eloop.c | Event loop based on select() loop |
   eloop.h | Event loop |
   eloop_win.c | Event loop based on Windows events and WaitForMultipleObjects |
   ext_password.c | External password backend |
   ext_password.h | External password backend |
   ext_password_i.h | External password backend - internal definitions |
   ext_password_test.c | External password backend |
   http-utils.h | HTTP wrapper |
   http_curl.c | HTTP wrapper for libcurl |
   includes.h | Wpa_supplicant/hostapd - Default include files |
   ip_addr.c | IP address processing |
   ip_addr.h | IP address processing |
   list.h | Doubly-linked list |
   os.h | OS specific functions |
   os_internal.c | Wpa_supplicant/hostapd / Internal implementation of OS specific functions |
   os_none.c | Wpa_supplicant/hostapd / Empty OS specific functions |
   os_unix.c | OS specific functions for UNIX/POSIX systems |
   os_win32.c | Wpa_supplicant/hostapd / OS specific functions for Win32 systems |
   pcsc_funcs.c | WPA Supplicant / PC/SC smartcard interface for USIM, GSM SIM |
   pcsc_funcs.h | WPA Supplicant / PC/SC smartcard interface for USIM, GSM SIM |
   platform.h | |
   radiotap.c | Radiotap parser |
   radiotap.h | |
   radiotap_iter.h | |
   state_machine.h | Wpa_supplicant/hostapd - State machine definitions |
   trace.c | Backtrace debugging |
   trace.h | Backtrace debugging |
   utils_module_tests.c | Utils module tests |
   uuid.c | Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) |
   uuid.h | Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) |
   wpa_debug.c | Wpa_supplicant/hostapd / Debug prints |
   wpa_debug.h | Wpa_supplicant/hostapd / Debug prints |
   wpabuf.c | Dynamic data buffer |
   wpabuf.h | Dynamic data buffer |
   xml-utils.c | Generic XML helper functions |
   xml-utils.h | Generic XML helper functions |
   xml_libxml2.c | XML wrapper for libxml2 |
  wps | |
   http.h | HTTP for WPS Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Sony Corporation Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Atheros Communications Copyright (c) 2009, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
   http_client.c | Http_client - HTTP client |
   http_client.h | Http_client - HTTP client |
   http_server.c | Http_server - HTTP server |
   http_server.h | Http_server - HTTP server |
   httpread.c | Httpread - Manage reading file(s) from HTTP/TCP socket Author: Ted Merrill |
   httpread.h | Httpread - Manage reading file(s) from HTTP/TCP socket Author: Ted Merrill |
   ndef.c | NDEF(NFC Data Exchange Format) routines for Wi-Fi Protected Setup Reference is "NFCForum-TS-NDEF_1.0 2006-07-24" |
   upnp_xml.c | UPnP XML helper routines Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Sony Corporation Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Atheros Communications Copyright (c) 2009, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
   upnp_xml.h | UPnP XML helper routines Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Sony Corporation Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Atheros Communications Copyright (c) 2009, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
   wps.c | Wi-Fi Protected Setup |
   wps.h | Wi-Fi Protected Setup |
   wps_attr_build.c | Wi-Fi Protected Setup - attribute building |
   wps_attr_parse.c | Wi-Fi Protected Setup - attribute parsing |
   wps_attr_parse.h | Wi-Fi Protected Setup - attribute parsing |
   wps_attr_process.c | Wi-Fi Protected Setup - attribute processing |
   wps_common.c | Wi-Fi Protected Setup - common functionality |
   wps_defs.h | Wi-Fi Protected Setup - message definitions |
   wps_dev_attr.c | Wi-Fi Protected Setup - device attributes |
   wps_dev_attr.h | Wi-Fi Protected Setup - device attributes |
   wps_enrollee.c | Wi-Fi Protected Setup - Enrollee |
   wps_er.c | Wi-Fi Protected Setup - External Registrar |
   wps_er.h | Wi-Fi Protected Setup - External Registrar |
   wps_er_ssdp.c | Wi-Fi Protected Setup - External Registrar (SSDP) |
   wps_i.h | Wi-Fi Protected Setup - internal definitions |
   wps_module_tests.c | WPS module tests |
   wps_registrar.c | Wi-Fi Protected Setup - Registrar |
   wps_upnp.c | UPnP WPS Device Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Sony Corporation Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Atheros Communications Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
   wps_upnp.h | UPnP WPS Device Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Sony Corporation Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Atheros Communications Copyright (c) 2009, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
   wps_upnp_ap.c | Wi-Fi Protected Setup - UPnP AP functionality |
   wps_upnp_event.c | UPnP WPS Device - Event processing Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Sony Corporation Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Atheros Communications Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
   wps_upnp_i.h | UPnP for WPS / internal definitions Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Sony Corporation Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Atheros Communications Copyright (c) 2009, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
   wps_upnp_ssdp.c | UPnP SSDP for WPS Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Sony Corporation Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Atheros Communications Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
   wps_upnp_web.c | UPnP WPS Device - Web connections Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Sony Corporation Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Atheros Communications Copyright (c) 2009, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
   wps_validate.c | Wi-Fi Protected Setup - Strict protocol validation routines |
 wpa_supplicant | |
  dbus | |
   dbus_common.c | Wpa_supplicant D-Bus control interface - common functionality Copyright (c) 2009, Witold Sowa witol.nosp@m.d.so.nosp@m.wa@gm.nosp@m.ail..nosp@m.com Copyright (c) 2009, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
   dbus_common.h | Wpa_supplicant D-Bus control interface - common definitions Copyright (c) 2009, Witold Sowa witol.nosp@m.d.so.nosp@m.wa@gm.nosp@m.ail..nosp@m.com Copyright (c) 2009, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
   dbus_common_i.h | Wpa_supplicant D-Bus control interface - internal definitions Copyright (c) 2009, Witold Sowa witol.nosp@m.d.so.nosp@m.wa@gm.nosp@m.ail..nosp@m.com Copyright (c) 2009, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
   dbus_dict_helpers.c | WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface |
   dbus_dict_helpers.h | WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface |
   dbus_new.c | WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Witold Sowa witol.nosp@m.d.so.nosp@m.wa@gm.nosp@m.ail..nosp@m.com Copyright (c) 2009, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
   dbus_new.h | WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Witold Sowa witol.nosp@m.d.so.nosp@m.wa@gm.nosp@m.ail..nosp@m.com |
   dbus_new_handlers.c | WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Witold Sowa witol.nosp@m.d.so.nosp@m.wa@gm.nosp@m.ail..nosp@m.com Copyright (c) 2009-2015, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
   dbus_new_handlers.h | WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Witold Sowa witol.nosp@m.d.so.nosp@m.wa@gm.nosp@m.ail..nosp@m.com |
   dbus_new_handlers_p2p.c | WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface (P2P) |
   dbus_new_handlers_p2p.h | WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface for p2p |
   dbus_new_handlers_wps.c | WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface (WPS) Copyright (c) 2009, Witold Sowa witol.nosp@m.d.so.nosp@m.wa@gm.nosp@m.ail..nosp@m.com |
   dbus_new_helpers.c | WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface Copyright (c) 2009, Witold Sowa witol.nosp@m.d.so.nosp@m.wa@gm.nosp@m.ail..nosp@m.com |
   dbus_new_helpers.h | WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface Copyright (c) 2009, Witold Sowa witol.nosp@m.d.so.nosp@m.wa@gm.nosp@m.ail..nosp@m.com |
   dbus_new_introspect.c | Wpa_supplicant - D-Bus introspection Copyright (c) 2009, Witold Sowa witol.nosp@m.d.so.nosp@m.wa@gm.nosp@m.ail..nosp@m.com Copyright (c) 2010, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
   dbus_old.c | WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface |
   dbus_old.h | WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface |
   dbus_old_handlers.c | WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface |
   dbus_old_handlers.h | WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface |
   dbus_old_handlers_wps.c | WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface (WPS) |
  ap.c | WPA Supplicant - Basic AP mode support routines Copyright (c) 2009, Atheros Communications |
  ap.h | WPA Supplicant - Basic AP mode support routines Copyright (c) 2009, Atheros Communications |
  autoscan.c | WPA Supplicant - auto scan |
  autoscan.h | WPA Supplicant - auto scan |
  autoscan_exponential.c | WPA Supplicant - auto scan exponential module |
  autoscan_periodic.c | WPA Supplicant - auto scan periodic module |
  bgscan.c | WPA Supplicant - background scan and roaming interface |
  bgscan.h | WPA Supplicant - background scan and roaming interface |
  bgscan_learn.c | WPA Supplicant - background scan and roaming module: learn |
  bgscan_simple.c | WPA Supplicant - background scan and roaming module: simple |
  blacklist.c | Wpa_supplicant - Temporary BSSID blacklist |
  blacklist.h | Wpa_supplicant - Temporary BSSID blacklist |
  bss.c | BSS table |
  bss.h | BSS table |
  config.c | WPA Supplicant / Configuration parser and common functions |
  config.h | WPA Supplicant / Configuration file structures |
  config_file.c | WPA Supplicant / Configuration backend: text file |
  config_none.c | WPA Supplicant / Configuration backend: empty starting point |
  config_ssid.h | WPA Supplicant / Network configuration structures |
  config_winreg.c | WPA Supplicant / Configuration backend: Windows registry |
  ctrl_iface.c | WPA Supplicant / Control interface (shared code for all backends) |
  ctrl_iface.h | WPA Supplicant / UNIX domain socket -based control interface |
  ctrl_iface_named_pipe.c | WPA Supplicant / Windows Named Pipe -based control interface |
  ctrl_iface_udp.c | WPA Supplicant / UDP socket -based control interface |
  ctrl_iface_unix.c | WPA Supplicant / UNIX domain socket -based control interface |
  driver_i.h | Wpa_supplicant - Internal driver interface wrappers |
  eap_register.c | EAP method registration |
  eapol_test.c | WPA Supplicant - test code |
  events.c | WPA Supplicant - Driver event processing |
  gas_query.c | Generic advertisement service (GAS) query Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
  gas_query.h | Generic advertisement service (GAS) query Copyright (c) 2011, Qualcomm Atheros |
  hs20_supplicant.c | Copyright (c) 2009, Atheros Communications, Inc |
  hs20_supplicant.h | Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc |
  ibss_rsn.c | Wpa_supplicant - IBSS RSN |
  ibss_rsn.h | Wpa_supplicant - IBSS RSN |
  interworking.c | Interworking (IEEE 802.11u) Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
  interworking.h | Interworking (IEEE 802.11u) |
  main.c | WPA Supplicant / main() function for UNIX like OSes and MinGW |
  main_none.c | WPA Supplicant / Example program entrypoint |
  main_winmain.c | WPA Supplicant / WinMain() function for Windows-based applications |
  main_winsvc.c | WPA Supplicant / main() function for Win32 service |
  mesh.c | WPA Supplicant - Basic mesh mode routines |
  mesh.h | WPA Supplicant - Basic mesh mode routines |
  mesh_mpm.c | WPA Supplicant - Basic mesh peer management |
  mesh_mpm.h | WPA Supplicant - Basic mesh peer management |
  mesh_rsn.c | WPA Supplicant - Mesh RSN routines |
  mesh_rsn.h | WPA Supplicant - Mesh RSN routines |
  nfc_pw_token.c | Nfc_pw_token - Tool for building NFC password tokens for WPS |
  notify.c | Wpa_supplicant - Event notifications |
  notify.h | Wpa_supplicant - Event notifications |
  offchannel.c | Wpa_supplicant - Off-channel Action frame TX/RX Copyright (c) 2011, Qualcomm Atheros |
  offchannel.h | Wpa_supplicant - Off-channel Action frame TX/RX Copyright (c) 2011, Qualcomm Atheros |
  p2p_supplicant.c | Wpa_supplicant - P2P Copyright (c) 2010-2014, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
  p2p_supplicant.h | Wpa_supplicant - P2P |
  p2p_supplicant_sd.c | Wpa_supplicant - P2P service discovery Copyright (c) 2010-2014, Jouni Malinen j@w1..nosp@m.fi |
  preauth_test.c | WPA Supplicant - test code for pre-authentication |
  scan.c | WPA Supplicant - Scanning |
  scan.h | WPA Supplicant - Scanning |
  sme.c | Wpa_supplicant - SME |
  sme.h | Wpa_supplicant - SME |
  wifi_display.c | Wpa_supplicant - Wi-Fi Display Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc |
  wifi_display.h | Wpa_supplicant - Wi-Fi Display Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc |
  win_if_list.c | Win_if_list - Display network interfaces with description (for Windows) |
  wmm_ac.c | Wi-Fi Multimedia Admission Control (WMM-AC) Copyright(c) 2014, Intel Mobile Communication GmbH. Copyright(c) 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved |
  wmm_ac.h | Wi-Fi Multimedia Admission Control (WMM-AC) Copyright(c) 2014, Intel Mobile Communication GmbH. Copyright(c) 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved |
  wnm_sta.c | Wpa_supplicant - WNM |
  wnm_sta.h | IEEE 802.11v WNM related functions and structures |
  wpa_cli.c | WPA Supplicant - command line interface for wpa_supplicant daemon |
  wpa_passphrase.c | WPA Supplicant - ASCII passphrase to WPA PSK tool |
  wpa_priv.c | WPA Supplicant / privileged helper program |
  wpa_supplicant.c | WPA Supplicant |
  wpa_supplicant_i.h | Wpa_supplicant - Internal definitions |
  wpas_glue.c | WPA Supplicant - Glue code to setup EAPOL and RSN modules |
  wpas_glue.h | WPA Supplicant - Glue code to setup EAPOL and RSN modules |
  wpas_kay.c | IEEE 802.1X-2010 KaY Interface |
  wpas_kay.h | IEEE 802.1X-2010 KaY Interface |
  wpas_module_tests.c | Wpa_supplicant module tests |
  wps_supplicant.c | Wpa_supplicant / WPS integration |
  wps_supplicant.h | Wpa_supplicant / WPS integration |