Re: dwl500+dwl650 in SMP setting

From: Hakan Lennestal (
Date: 2002-04-27 12:05:38 UTC

Hi !

Have you tried with the option "irq_mode=0" to the i82365 module ?


In message <>, C osmin Roman writes:
> Hullo!
> I don't know if anybody tried this ... and this is not directly a driver
> question (I apologize!)
> I'm trying to get the dwl500+dwl650 combo working on a W6-LI Micronics
> mobo, with 2 Pentium Pro processors (I'm not sure if details are important,
> but if anybody has some hints, I can provide the rest of the info). The
> problem is, the dwl500 does not receive an interrupt; the driver (which, by
> the way, compiled without any problems), when I try to start the pcmcia
> service (I'm using external pcmcia package, pcmcia-cs), announces me that
> there is no interrupt for the host (something like [no pci irq] - I'm using
> only PCI interrupts), and suggests that the MP table is buggy (and checking
> on the net, it seems that this is the main problem - SMP boards don't
> really recognize bridges, such as this dwl500 card). No irq for the dwl500
> ... no interrupt for the dwl650, so I'm stuck. And here's the question: is
> there any way I can assign an interrupt manually to my card? While doing my
> "homework" on this problem I noticed that the other 3 PCI cards I have get
> the interrupts from IO-APIC (for example, 19, 18, 16, with a jump over 17!,
> exactly when the dwl500 is in the 3rd slot; this repeats when I change the
> slot where I put it). I tried to assign this missing interrupt to the card
> by using the pci_irq_list parameter (for example pci_irq_list=18) for the
> i82xxx module; the card apparently starts, the dwl650 gets assigned the
> same interrupt, but when I test the resulting access point ... nothing! and
> there is no activity with the interrupt I'm using (it shows up in
> /proc/interrupts, but there's 0 for how many hits it had ... and it also
> looks different from the other interrupts).
> Any hints are greatly appreciated! and again, I apologize for my question
> being a bit off-topic.
> Cheers!
> Cosmin

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